Ebenezer UMC

Longs SC

Pastor's Invitation
About Us
Pastor Glen
Historic Ebenezer
Prayer Requests
Our Missions
Pics of Our Family
Contact Us
Our Calendar

Welcome to Ebenezer

Greetings, and welcome to the Ebenezer United Methodist Church Website!

You might call Ebenezer UMC "the little church with a big heart!" We're just never going to give up on sharing God's Word with everyone we can! We hope you'll come and worship with us. Worship begins at 8:30 a.m. and lasts for an hour. Fellowship of Coffee and Someting Special immediate after service at 9:30.

The first Sunday of the month is when we celebrate Holy Communion. In keeping with our United Methodist tradition, we practice an "open table", which means that anyone who wishes to join the communal fellowship at the Lord's Table is welcome! Come, and worship with us! We think you'll be glad you did!

John 10:10b "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Ebenezer News

(New) March 30th The New Church Directory is Out. Pick up yours at the rear of the Sanctuary

(NEW)Strawberry Festival and Craft Fair, Saturday May 2, See Pat Kane or Beanie Lankford to Sign Up.

Add or Delete people on our Prayer List Go Here

Pics of our Winter Social at Sun Colony Check them Out

Help Wanted, Ushers, Greeters, Flower Arrangers, Cleaning Crew, Singer, Liturgist, etc. Contact Rev. Dameron or any Member

Pics of Chilli Cookoff at Wampee Check them Out

Sign up for North Strand Shelter Luncheon with Shirley Oliver Saturday April 19th, or Call 843-283-7851 For details.

Remember UWF Bake Sale begin 1st Sunday of each Month

Send us your Family Pictures for our Congregation Album Go to our Upload Page

So,Why are you here??    Because You Believe!!
